En estas paginas podrás encontrar una recopilación de libros de la web GRATIS (PROHIBIDA SU VENTA)
PODES CONSULTAR CADA VEZ QUE QUIERAS Son ejemplares para fines educativos. Los libros tienen Derecho de autor. POR ESE MOTIVO NO SE PUEDEN DESCARGAR ...Por favor respétalo, colabora con ellos, comprale un libro. Gracias...Laura Palomo y Maria Barrios
your blogspot is beautifully laid out. I enjoy going through it thank you for the patterns, I lost my job and injured my back badly, so I crochet to take my mind off of the pain. thank you so much, I have something to play with. lol
2 comentarios:
me encantaria el patron
your blogspot is beautifully laid out. I enjoy going through it thank you for the patterns, I lost my job and injured my back badly, so I crochet to take my mind off of the pain. thank you so much, I have something to play with. lol
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